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POLST Research and Resources

Because the POLST form has been in use for over 15 years and implemented in all states, the body of research and resources related to POLST is also growing. Below, please find links to sources that address the POLST Paradigm (this is the name that the national organization uses inclusive of all POLST programs since some of them have different names such as "COLST, MOST, POST, etc.) and POLST programs in specific states, policy development, education, patient and provider literature, legal concerns and other pertinent information. Please check back often as we will be updating this page as additional information is available.


Should you find a helpful resource that you think would be of benefit to others and is not listed below, please send your suggestion to the Nevada POLST.

POLST Research: 

Journal Articles by author


POLST Resources
Patient Education:


Health Care Provider Resources:


News and FAQs

  • Nevada POLST Post - Our quarterly newsletter. To be placed on our mailing list, click here.

  • Definitions - Do you know the legal difference between a patient surrogate and representative? Lost in acronyms. This should help!

  • In the News - Articles relevant to the POLST program.

  • FAQs

      • POLST Provider FAQ brochure, a quick summary – procedural and legal aspects in PDF form. Please also refer to the back of the new form (#09.09.17), if you have questions during completion of the POLST form.

      • Provider FAQs – a more complete FAQ, than the brochure, to answer more provider questions. Please also refer to the back of the new form (#09.09.17), if you have questions during completion of the POLST form.

Journal Articles
Patient Education
HC Provider Resources
News & FAQs
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